Samantha O’Neill Pregnancy and Birth Story

Samantha O’Neill Pregnancy and Birth Story

Samantha is a wife and mom of twin girls.  After the loss of her first baby at just 18 weeks, Samantha and her husband had a scary and difficult journey ahead of them when they found out they were pregnant for the second time.  Here is their story.

Samantha O’Neill Pregnancy and Birth Story

Was your pregnancy planned or a surprise?  

Our angel Landon is a huge part of our story. His pregnancy was 100% planned. At 16 weeks into my pregnancy my water broke and he passed away in the womb at just 18 weeks. Two months after our loss we found out we were pregnant again and to our surprise it was TWIN GIRLS!

How did you share the news with your partner, family, and friends?

Being pregnant with Landon was the first time I had ever been pregnant so I immediately told every person I knew. I was so excited to be a mom. Never would I have ever thought I would lose him. With that being said our twin pregnancy was much different. I didn’t share that I was pregnant with anyone other than my husband and parents until after my 8-week ultrasound. Nothing was posted on social media and I was absolutely scared to death of everything.

pregnancy and birth story

Which was your favorite trimester?

Well my Twins were born at 25 weeks so I never made it to my 3rd trimester. While I loved being pregnant my pregnancies were not easy. It made every day a challenge and a worry that something was going to go wrong. I also had a fear inside of me that I would lose my little girls. Making to the 24 week mark was a huge milestone for us because at the time I knew my girls were at least viable if anything were to happen.

What was your pregnancy MUST HAVE?

Stuffed crust Pizza Hut pizza and chili cheese burritos from Taco Bell.

Did you find out the gender?

YES! I scheduled an early scan with both pregnancies at around 14 weeks to find the gender.

pregnancy and birth story


Were there any complications throughout your pregnancy?

Our twin pregnancy was pretty normal until 17 weeks when I went in for our weekly cervix check to see that I had no cervix left. I was sent for an emergency cerclage which is where your cervix is stitched shut to try to keep in the baby or in my case, babies in. The cerclage held tight until 25 weeks and then I was 2 cm dilated. It was at that time I was placed on hospital bed rest until our girls decided to make their appearance just 6 days later.

Did you go into labor naturally or were you induced?


How long were you in labor?

Emergency C Section

Did you get an epidural or go all natural?


What was the best and worst part about labor and delivery?

Hearing my girls scream when they came out was the most amazing thing. My delivery room was full of about 20 doctors and nurses so the whole experience was very overwhelming.

Were there any complications with your delivery?

Everything went pretty smooth other than them being born so early.

Give us the stats!!

Mackenzie Rose – 1lb 15 oz, 18 in long – 4:46 pm

Maddison Grace – 1lb 12oz 18 in long – 4:47 pm

What was the hardest thing about the first few weeks of motherhood?

My girls spent their first 3 months in the hospital so for me it was hard to really feel like a mom. While I had all the motherly emotions and feelings, I was barely able to hold my children for the first month making it really hard. Once we were able to hold the girls it would only be for 1 hour a day as too much stimulation isn’t good for preemies. My husband and I would rotate days holding each baby. So every other day I could hold Mackenzie for an hour and those other days I would hold Maddie. Can you even imagine only being able to hold your newborn baby for one hour every other day? It was horrible. I think I cried on the daily. Once we could be more hands on with the girls, take over their daily cares and share more snuggles I was able to feel more like a mom.

What is the best advice you received as a new mom?

Sleep when they do.

What is your best advice for expectant or new moms?

Sleep when they do. LOL

pregnancy and birth story

You can watch Samantha and her husband talk about their story here.  Since losing Landon and having the twins premature, Samantha and her husband have been huge supporters of the March of Dimes.  This year’s March is Saturday, April 29.  You can help Samantha reach her fundraising goal by donating here!


Read more Pregnancy and Birth Stories here!

DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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