Postpartum Fitness Routine – How to get Back in Shape after Baby

Getting back in shape after having a baby isn’t easy. Anyone who tells you it is has been blessed with good genetics (if only we were all so lucky). While it’s difficult for many reasons, I promise you it can be done. All you need is patience, determination, and a very supportive sports bra. I’m not a fitness instructor, coach, or gym rat of any kind. I’m just a new mom who wants to share what worked for me in the hopes that it can work for you too. Here’s how I managed to get my new body back in shape after baby.
I Took my Time
Let me start at the beginning. While our new bodies are sometimes shocking after having a baby, that’s okay. Do not feel like you have to come home from the hospital and be in a pair of skinny jeans the following week. It does not work like that (unless you’re that person with the good genetics that I mentioned above). Take your time.
I Started Slow
I got the go ahead to start working out at my six week postpartum appointment. Believe it or not, I started working out that day. For me, it wasn’t so much about “getting my body back”, but more about feeling productive and energized again. I missed those darn endorphins so much! I started slow with yoga and a 22 minute cardio workout. That first workout was brutal (you can read more about it here). I modified everything, but I stuck with it. Every day I felt myself get a little stronger.
Since going through my own postpartum fitness journey, I met Katie Pickett, creator of The Postpartum Cure. Her program is perfect for new moms who want to work on recovering from pregnancy and childbirth and losing the baby weight. Her program covers all the bases including nutrition for recovery and breastfeeding, meal plans and recipes (with grocery lists!!), exercises that can be done prior to your six week postpartum appointment, and of course, workouts to help you lose the baby weight once you’ve been given the okay to workout. It also comes with an app so that you can do the workouts anywhere (below is a screen grab from my phone). Katie’s program is already downloaded and ready to go come January when we welcome baby number 2! I can’t wait to try a program that is actually created for postpartum moms, especially because I suffered from a weak pelvic floor and diastsis recti after having Weston.
I Worked Out at Home
When I decided to quit my job and stay home with Weston, we cut costs wherever we could. That included our gym membership. Instead of spending almost $500 a year on a gym membership, we invested in Beachbody on Demand. It’s a home workout streaming service that costs $99 a year. It gives you access to 600+ workouts including popular programs like 21 Day Fix, Insanity, and T25. I’ve always enjoyed Beachbody workouts and this was the perfect answer for my husband and I. (FYI, I’m not a Beachbody Coach, I just really love the workouts and genuinely used them to get back in shape).
On top of saving money, working out at home meant I could squeeze my workout in whenever it was convenient. As soon as Weston would lay down for a nap, I’d strap on my tennis shoes and run down to the basement. I didn’t have to pack my baby up and travel to the gym, I didn’t have to look good, and I could always press pause for a nursing or cuddle session.
**NOTE: The Postpatrum Cure can also be done at home (as I’m planning to do next time around). I still plan to tackle my favorite Beachbody workouts, but only after I strengthen the parts of my body that get completely destroyed by pregnancy and childbirth. The program also has mommy and me workouts that you can do with your baby which I can’t wait to try!
I Lifted Weights
Ladies, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. If you want to change your body, you gotta lift weights. Don’t be afraid that you’re going to end up looking bulky or manly. Trust me, it takes a lot of work to end up looking like a female body builder. Lifting weights is going to give you a strong, lean, and toned physique, not bulging biceps. I lifted with husband four days a week focusing on legs, chest, and arms. Don’t let weights intimidate you. I promise once you get started, you’re going to feel like a total bad ass. You can find my whole lifting routine in The Postpartum Handbook (in addition to tons of other great information about surviving the 4th trimester)!
Related: Protein Powder and Breastfeeding – A Complete Guide for New Moms
I Didn’t Give Up
There were plenty of days where I didn’t think I could make it through a workout, had to take breaks to nurse Weston or change a diaper, or just plain didn’t want to do it, but I kept going. Making time for physical activity in my day is important to me. It’s not just about looking good, but feeling good (sounds super corny, but it’s true). It energizes me, gets those endorphins flowing, and makes me a better mom and wife.
Whatever your post baby body goals are, you can do it. If you need a little inspiration or encouragement, you are welcome to join a free Facebook group I’m part of. It’s run by a mother of three and the members are all women at all different fitness levels. It’s a great place to get tips, motivation, and connect with other moms. If you end up joining, make sure to introduce yourself. I’d love to see you there!
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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