March 11, 2018
Ashley Lenahan Pregnancy and Birth Story

Ashley is a 29 year old Southern California native, wife to a handsome aviation and automotive nut, and stay-at-home momma of two crazy boys! She blogs about DIY projects, home decor, and home improvement at She also runs at Etsy shop where she sells handmade gifts and jewelry (you have to check it out)! Read about Ashley’s surprise pregnancy, unexpected c-section, and unanticipated desire to become a stay at home mom.
Ashley’s Pregnancy and Birth Story
Was your pregnancy planned or a surprise?
It was a surprise! We had planned on waiting a couple years so we could aggressively attack student loan debt, but God had other plans 🙂
How did you share the news with your partner, family, and friends?
We were charting/using NFP, so my husband knew my body’s cycle well and called the pregnancy before I did! I thought I was just having an off month, which was not terribly unusual. We shared the news with my family on my dad’s birthday. We gave him a card loaded with hints and leading him on a scavenger hunt to find his gift… only it totally failed. When he FINALLY found the “bun in the oven” he just thought we got him some special donut! It was a “sticky bun” in his defense, lol. So we had to clarify and spill the beans the old fashioned way. We had a similar experience with my husband’s family minus the scavenger hunt.
Which was your favorite trimester?
My favorite was the third! By this point I was no longer working due to my husband’s job temporarily taking us out of state, so I was able to relax, plan, and nest to my hearts content 🙂 There was lots of reading, thrifting, and bubble baths.
What was your pregnancy MUST HAVE?
I rubbed Mothers Oil Special Blend on my belly religiously! Especially after bathing. I swear this stuff helped me avoid getting a single stretch mark, and it smells fantastic.
Did you find out the gender?
I am not a fan of surprises and love planning, so finding out the gender was a must.
Were there any complications throughout your pregnancy?
Aside from an unusually long bout of “morning sickness”, I had an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Did you go into labor naturally or were you induced?
Due to husband’s intense job training and OB doc holiday plans, I was induced four days after my due date.
How long were you in labor?
I was in active labor for 20 long hours, and ended up in the OR for an emergency C-Section.
Did you get an epidural or go all natural?
I so badly wanted to go all natural! However, my body did not take well to inducement and began to shake uncontrollably- it was scary. Over halfway into labor I caved and opted for the epidural, hoping it would help calm my body and ease the labor.
What was the best and worst part about labor and delivery?
The worst part was all my hopes and expectations of a relatively natural delivery going out the window. I did not expect it to be easy, but I was not prepared for my body to be so terribly uncooperative. By the time I was rushed to the OR, I was so exhausted and drugged that it took every effort just to keep my eyes open. The best part was when my husband placed my son on my chest and I saw him for the first time 🙂
Were there any complications with your delivery?
My body did not want to cooperate with inducement and my little one was obviously comfortable with staying inside for as long as possible. I asked to be induced as naturally as possible, avoiding pitocin initially and then receiving low doses. After so many hours, higher doses needed to be given and my body remained relatively unchanged. Luckily, the cesarean went well and the final delivery was uncomplicated. My little one came out healthy and safe.
Give us the stats!! (time, length, weight, gender)
My little boy was born April 9th at 6:04pm! He weighed 6lbs 15 oz and measured 20 inches long 🙂

What was the hardest thing about the first few weeks of motherhood?
Fighting the feeling of not being enough! I was exclusively breastfeeding around the clock and still my little man struggled to gain weight as fast as the medical staff wanted to see. There were no obvious problems with latch or milk production, so it was a frustrating time. Learning to let go of certain ideals and realizing that it was in no way a reflection of my abilities as a mother was hard.
What is the best advice you received as a new mom?
This time of life goes by so fast, so be sure to soak in all the small moments and steal all the kisses and cuddles you can get.
What is your best advice for expectant or new moms?
Just remember you are your child’s first and primary example of love in the world. It is so easy to get down and frustrated about lack of privacy, time, or the daily sacrifices you make (etc.) – thus, it is so helpful and important to remember that motherhood is truly a gift and not a burden. Whenever you are feeling down, remember you are not alone! Find a supportive community- online, at your church, the local library, wherever you can. Having other mom friends is so helpful and needed to keep a good perspective!

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your journey to motherhood?
I never would have imagined how much I love being a mommy! I grew up with a full time working mom, and had big plans for med school after college graduation. While I figured I would have a family of my own someday, the thought of being a stay at home mom never crossed my mind. Then I had my first son! He stole my heart immediately and life has never been the same. Just like any job, it has it’s rough moments as well, but every tough moment in the end is always worth it and I’ve learned that motherhood is one of the greatest and most humbling of responsibilities.
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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Author: amullins