6 Reasons why you Need a Manual Pump

Why Every Breastfeeding Mom Needs a Manual Breast Pump
The manual pump. I remember the first time I was packing my pumping bag for work. I was trying to remember everything I could possibly need. I was going through all the parts and pieces and found a bag of pumping items a friend had given me (don’t worry… she never used them). In the bag was a manual pump. It looked pretty easy to use, so I shoved it in my pumping bag just in case. That was the beginning of my love for the manual pump.
In my opinion, every breastfeeding mom should have a manual pump. They’re very inexpensive and extremely useful. Here are 6 reasons you need to have a manual pump!
Related: The Ultimate Online Pumping Course
You can Pump without Electricity
All you need to run a manual pump is your hand! There’s no need to search for an outlet or worry if you don’t have access to electricity. The freedom of knowing you can pump anytime, anywhere, is really the top reason you need a manual pump. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve brought my manual pump somewhere because I knew I wouldn’t have access to electricity. I’ve brought it to football tailgates, to weddings, on road trips, to concerts, and more. Sure, if I worked hard enough, I probably would have been able to find electricity at most of these places, but knowing that all I had to do was sneak away and not have to search for an outlet was very freeing.
Related: The Best Manual Breast Pumps for Breastfeeding Moms
You can Make a Double Pump with a Haakaa
You can make an electricity free double pump by adding in a Haakaa. When I went back to work after my second pregnancy, this was the only way I pumped. I work part time in the evenings and only need to pump once at work. Instead of packing up the electric pump and all the parts, I just put together the manual pump at home and brought it and a Haakaa to work each night. I attached the Haakaa to one side (usually whatever side was less full as it didn’t remove as much milk), and used the manual pump on the other side. My body responds very well to a manual pump and I could finish a whole pumping session in about 10 minutes. I absolutely love this combination of pumping tools.

It’s Small and Easy to Transport
The manual pump is so much smaller and easy to transport than an electric pump. You can put it in a small bag (I like to use a waterproof cosmetic bag) and carry it in your purse. No one will ever know it’s there and you can sneak away to pump with ease. If I’m out and about, I like to bring a small milk storage cooler as well. I just make sure the ice pack is frozen when I leave and it gives me a safe place to store my milk until I get home.
Related: The Ultimate Pumping Bundle
Manual Pumps can Help you Relieve Engorgement
After I had Elliott, I was so very engorged. Just thinking about it makes my breasts hurt. The difficult things about those early days of engorgement is that your body is really trying to understand how much milk you need. Breast milk works on a supply and demand system, so the more milk you remove from your body, the more milk your body will make. That’s why most lactation consultants and breastfeeding professionals will advise you not to pump until your milk supply is regulated. However, there was absolutely no way I could go without pumping. I decided to use the manual pump to remove just enough milk to make me comfortable. It was a quick and easy way to relieve engorgement and soften my breasts enough for Elliott to be able to latch.
Manual Pumps can Help Remove Clogged Ducts
Manual pumps can be a great tool for helping removed clogged ducts. Because you’re more in control of the positioning and speed of the pumping, you can use to help pull out the clog. Simply position the flange toward the clog and use long, slow pumps to pull out the clog.
Related: 6 Ways to Remove a Clogged Milk Duct (Fast)
Manual Pumps can Help you Remove More Milk
All women are different, but some find that they can actually get a greater milk output when using a manual pump. Some women’s breasts just respond better to a manual pump. If you’re struggling with your electric pump or having trouble getting a good output, I highly recommend you give the manual pump a try. It could very well be the answer to your pumping woes.
As pumping moms, we need all the tips and tricks we can get to make milk making easier. Breastfeeding and pumping is a huge commitment and takes lots of time and energy. Having a manual pump on hand has helped me through engorgement, pumping at work, and pumping in unconventional places. I hope this post helps gives you some solutions to common pumping problems and helps make your breastfeeding journey just a little bit easier.
You can follow me on Instagram for more breastfeeding and pumping hacks!
- The Best Breast Milk Storage Bags for Pumping Moms
- 21 Pumping Hacks you have to Try
- Haakaa Hacks – Tips and Tricks for Using the Silicone Pump
The Benefits of Manual Breast Pumps
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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