What I Wish I would have Known about Labor and Delivery

I can hardly believe it’s almost time to do it all over again. We’re less than three weeks away from meeting our second baby and all the memories from labor and delivery are rushing back to me. My first experience wasn’t perfect, but once it was all said and done, it was so much better than anything I ever expected. This got me thinking… what to women wish they would have known about labor and delivery? Are there any tidbits of information we can share so that another mom is a little more prepared? I reached out to a big group of women who were happy to share.
20+ Moms Share what they Wish they would have Known about Labor and Delivery
“You get temporary uncontrollable tremors.” – Cindy
“That you don’t have to rush to the hospital as soon as you feel a contraction.” – Nancy
“The swelling! Both me and the baby were so swollen during labor and right after.” – Victoria from Modern Homestead Mama
“Don’t always wish for a short labor. I have 3 kids and my labors were 14 hours, 17 hours and 3 hours long. The 3 hour one was the most painful. I’d redo the other 2 but not that one! – Katie
“I wish someone would have actually told me how to push. None of the classes I took explained the process so I had to have a quick description from my doctor when I was fully dilated.” – Mallory
If you want to educate yourself on labor and delivery and what to expect, check out Birth it Up. This course walks you through all the ins and outs of labor and delivery and prepares you for one of the most important days of your life.
“The kind of “sore” you are, especially after your first. I expected localized, concentrated pain (which I definitely had, obviously), but I didn’t realize how much I would ache all over, down to the bones, like being in an accident or something. It wasn’t unbearable, so I don’t mean this in a frightening way, I was just caught off-guard by it the first time.” – Charissa from The Wild West 3
“That pitocin increases your odds of postpartum depression by 32%. There are other ways to aid in dilation like a foley bulb. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that!” – Charisty from Fire Dept Family
“That at some hospitals you can ask for a portable monitor! My hospital was testing them at the time and they were AMAZING. It meant I could get up and use the restroom and adjust my position in bed without having to be unstrapped.” – Beth from A Little Knick a Little Knack
“That no matter how many classes you take, birth plans you write or plans you have- your baby will come however they want to.” – Samantha from Hush Little Babe
“It can take a long time to get an epidural. Typically there is only one anesthesiologist on call. If they are in a surgery or it’s really busy you may have to wait a long time. If you want one ask for it early!” – Christina from Mom in the Six
“That it would be soooooooooo hot, even though it was snowing outside. I didn’t want my husband to touch me because I was on fire.” – Brooke from Live Simply. Be Happy!
“That it’s ok to question your Doctors and TELL them what YOU want. This is your birth and you are in charge.” – Donna
“I wish I had known that having a c-section isn’t the end of the world and doesn’t mean you can’t VBAC for later deliveries.” – Lisa from Cheerfully Simple
“Things that you’re worried about before labor, won’t bother you the same way when you’re actually in labor.” – Suchot from The Curious Frugal
“I wish I would have known about delaying cord clamping!! And incapsulating placenta pills “ – Erica from A Simple Kind of Mom
“ I wish I had known that one of the last steps of labor before pushing can be feeling nauseous and sick! I got an epidural and felt great until I was 10 cm – then I felt sick. My nurse told me this was a common sign it was time to push, and sure enough, it was!” – Jen from Minnesota Momma
“I wish I would have know more about c-sections.” – Rosaura from Crafty Mother Father
“After I gave birth, I was shaking uncontrollably. This was my 3rd pregnancy and it had never happened before. I thought maybe I was cold, but my nurse told me it was all the hormones. Apparently it’s more intense the more births you have.” – Ashleigh from Smart Cents Mom
“The single most important one is that you CAN (and need to be) be your own advocate. Don’t be afraid to research things for yourself and say no to things you don’t want to do!” – Amber from Imperfect Mommyhood
“I really wish that someone would have told me it’s not that bad” – Morgan
“I wish I had known how much strength I was going to need. Looking back I should have taken a nap and had a sandwich before going in!” – Ana from My Homemaking Life
“I wish I would have known that being induced could take over 2 days. I expected to have the baby the day I went into the hospital.” – Megan from Megan’s Life with Littles
“I wish someone would have told me it’s not perfect. And everyone is different. Each labor and delivery is different.” – Kirsten from Tribe of Burton
” I wish I would have known that one day I would wish that I could go back to the birth of my children. To experience seeing them for the first time again. Because while labor and delivery is painful and one of the hardest things you’ll ever experience, it’s also incredibly beautiful and the most emotional moments of my life.” – Brenda from Paper Heart Family
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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