How to Survive the Two Week Wait

9 Tips to Help you Survive the Two Week Wait
If you’re trying to get pregnant, you probably know how hard it is to survive the two week wait. The two week wait is the two weeks between ovulation and your missed period (when you can test). If you’re trying to conceive, the two week wait can feel more like a lifetime. You find yourself constantly symptom checking, wondering if every little thing you feel is a sign of pregnancy. The days pass by so slowly as you countdown to when your period is due. You’re full of hope and excitement and fear and worry, all at once.
If you’re in the thick of the two week wait, or are getting ready to start trying to conceive, here are some simple tips to help you survive the two week wait.
Distract Yourself
This tip may seem obvious, but when distracting yourself can be extremely helpful when you’re trying to survive the two week wait. If you can keep your brain busy with something else, it helps the time pass just a little bit faster. Here are some easy ways to keep your mind off your possible pregnancy.
- Binge watch a series
- Read a good book
- Listen to podcasts
- Exercise
- Do something artistic
- Create a “two week wait” to do list of chores around the house
- Tackle a home improvement project
Plan Something Else to Look Forward To
When you’re trying to conceive, try to plan something fun in the middle of the two week wait. Whether it’s a girl’s night out, a date with your partner, or a weekend getaway, having something else to look forward to can help you stay busy and stop obsessing over possible pregnancy symptoms.
Know the Truth about Two Week Wait Pregnancy Symptoms
When you’re in the middle of the two week wait, it’s easy to get carried away with symptom checking. What you need to know is that most pregnancy symptoms are the same as premenstrual symptoms. So, instead of driving yourself crazy wondering if something is a pregnancy symptom, just accept that the only way you’ll truly know is when you test. Common symptoms of both PMS and pregnancy include:
- Fatigue
- Breast pain
- Cramping
- Mood swings
- Bloating
- Headaches
- Food cravings

Find Support
Surviving the two week wait is hard, and most of the time, your partner isn’t going to be as anxious or concerned as you are. It’s always a good idea to find someone to talk to about how you’re feeling. Whether it’s a close friend, or a group of women on the internet, finding support can be just what you need to make it through those brutal few weeks.
When you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed about the possibility of being pregnant (or not), try journaling. Sometimes, getting your thoughts onto paper is just what you need to calm your mind. Journaling is extremely good for your mental health and can help you work through exactly what you’re feeling. It helps reduce stress and allows you to reflect on this phase of life.

Prepare Yourself for Both Outcomes
At the end of the day, there are two possible outcomes when the two week wait is over. You’re either pregnant, or you’re not. Try to prepare yourself for both outcomes. Allow yourself to get excited at the possibility of a positive pregnancy test, but create a game plan for how to deal with a negative pregnancy test as well.
Stay off the Internet
If you want to survive the two week wait, you need to put away the phone and stay off the internet. You can truly get lost in rabbit holes of online forums and symptom checking. While educating yourself about your body and your fertility is a good thing, don’t drive yourself crazy during the waiting game.
Try not to Test
This may be the most difficult tip of all, but try not to become a serial tester. Chances are, you’ll disappoint yourself by testing too early, even if you are pregnant. The best time to take a pregnancy test is after your missed period, but if you must test early, make sure you use an early detection home pregnancy test for the most accurate results.

Take Care of Yourself
Give yourself a little extra love during the two week wait. Eat right, exercise, and get plenty of rest. You can even plan to pamper yourself with a hot bubble bath, a manicure, or pedicure. Just make sure to be kind to yourself and treat your body like it’s about to make a baby!

- The First Signs of Pregnancy – 40+ Moms Share Their Symptoms
- 7 Things you Need to do when Trying to get Pregnant
- 6 Awesome Products for Couples that are Trying to Conceive
If you’re feeling impatient and the two week wait is killing you, just know that you’re not alone. Most women struggle to survive the two week wait. Hopefully, these tips and tricks can make it just a little more bearable.
How to Stay Busy During the Two Week Wait
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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