How to Make Padsicles for an Easier Postpartum Recovery

Simple Instructions for DIY Padsicles
Whether you’re pregnant with your first baby, or your fifth baby, making postpartum padsicles is an easy way to prepare for recovery after birth. Taking extra care of your perinium after a vaginal birth is essential. In a few simple steps, you can make your own DIY postpartum padsicles to use during postpartum recovery. Trust me, your future, new-mom-self will thank you. Here’s how to make these easy homemade perineal ice packs.
What are Padsicles?
Padsicles are just maxipads, or sanitary napkins, loaded up with postpartum healing ingredients, and frozen prior to use.
How to Padsicles Work?
Padsicles are made with ingredients that promote healing. After birth, it is not uncommon for your vagina to be bruised, swollen, and/or stitched up. Padsicles provide pain relief and reduce swelling in the days following the birth of your baby.
Hemorrhoids are also common after a vaginal birth. Postpartum padsicles not only provide relief for the perinium, but also for post-birth hemorrhoids.
Related: The Postpartum Handbook – A Fourth Trimester Guide for Moms by Moms
What you Need to Make DIY Padsicles
You don’t need much to make your own postpartum padsicles at home. You can find the ingredients at any drug store or online. Here’s what you’ll need:

DIY Homemade Padsicle Supplies
- Overnight Maxi Pads (the longer the better)
- 100 % Pure Aloe Vera Gel – lidocaine is naturally present in Aloe Vera. Therefore, it relieves pain and burning and reduces inflammation.
- Witch Hazel (without alcohol) – witch hazel relives inflammation, treats hemorrhoids, and fights off infections.
- 100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil – not only does lavender oil smell great, it has also been shown to help heal wounds. It’s also great for stress relief and relaxation.
- Gallon Sized Ziplock Freezer Bag
How to Make Padsicles for Postpartum
Step 1: Unwrap a maxi pad, but leave the backing to the sticky side on. If there are wings, cut down the center of the cover for the wings so they keep their sticking backing as well.

Step 2: Pour 2-3 tablespoons of witch hazel over the entire pad.

Step 3: Generously spread aloe vera over the entire pad using a spoon.

Step 4: Pour a few drops of lavender oil onto the pad.

Step 5: Fold the pad back up and place it in a gallon sized Ziplock bag.

Step 6: Repeat the process on as many pads as you’d like to make. Add each pad to the same Ziplock when you’re done.

Step 7: Zip up your Ziplock and put it in the freezer until you need to use your padsicles!

Related: How to Make a Postpartum Care Kit
You really will be shocked at how quick and easy it is to make these padsicles. It takes less than a minute to make one! Here’s a video on how I made them, just so you can see the step by step process in action.
How to Use Padsicles
When you’re ready to use your padsicles, remove one pad from your Ziplock bag and let it thaw out for a couple minutes so that it’s not too cold for comfort. Take it to the bathroom with you when you’re ready to change your pad. Unfold your padsicle, remove the backing, and stick it to the inside of your underwear, just as you would a regular maxi-pad. Use your padsicles with mesh postpartum underwear or your postpartum underwear of choice. You can even wear your padsicle inside an adult diaper for even more protection from leaks (isn’t postpartum fun).
You can wear your padsicle until it’s no longer cold, or until it’s time to change your pad. As with any maxi-pad, it is recommended that you change it at least every four hours. You may need to change it more often depending on how heavy your postpartum bleeding is.
Are Postpartum Padsicles Safe?
Postpartum padsicles are completely safe and can actually help speed up the healing process. They are made with safe and natural ingredients that promote vaginal healing.
Related: The Best Postpartum Pads for New Moms
How Many Padsicles should you Make?
After birth, you’ll probably want to use your padsicles for 7-10 days. You won’t need to wear a padsicle at all times, but using one twice a day will do wonders for vaginal healing. Every woman and recovery is different, but 15-20 padsicles will probably do the trick.
Where to Buy Padsicles
Although you can’t buy actual padsicles, Frida Mom now makes a product that comes pretty close. Their new Instant Ice Maxi Pads are the next best thing. They don’t have the Aloe, witch hazel, or lavender, but because they’re frozen, they’ll still provide tons of pain relief and help reduce swelling.
Do you Need Padsicles after a C-section?
Although you won’t need padsicles for your vagina after a c-section, you can still use your pre-made padsicles to help you heal. Instead of sticking your padsicles inside your underwear, you can use them as ice packs for your incision. Always make sure you use your padsicles over your clothes or some other cloth, separating your incision from the ice pack.
Final Thoughts on Posptartum Padsicles
Healing after a vaginal delivery can be difficult, but there are simple things you can do to make this stage of motherhood much more manageable. Making DIY postpartum padsicles is just one way you can set yourself up for postpartum success. Check out my full list of ways to prepare for postpartum while you’re still pregnant.
- 14 Tips for the First 14 Days of Postpartum Recovery
- 20 Genius Newborn Hacks you Need to Know
- How to Make Pre-Baby Freezer Meals
How to Make Easy DIY Padsicles for Postpartum
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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