12 Freebies for New and Expecting Moms

How to Get Free Baby Stuff
When you’re a pregnant mom, there’s nothing better than getting your hands on free stuff! Having a new baby can be expensive. Between all the baby gear, clothes, and diapers, the dollar signs can really start to add up. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 12 freebies for pregnant and new moms.
Related: How to Have a Baby on a Budget
Free Breast Pump
Pregnant mothers and mothers of newborns can get a free breast pump through insurance. And it’s so easy. All you have to do is fill out this five minute form and the rest will be taken care of by Aeroflow’s breast pump specialists. You’ll get to take your pick of all the top brands and it will be conveniently delivered to your front door!
Related: How to Pick the Perfect Pump
Free Maternity and Postpartum Compression Garments
Did you know that insurance will also cover maternity and postpartum compression garments? You can get things like maternity support bands, compression socks, and postpartum support garments for free by filling out this simple form.
Free Nursing Pillow
You can get a free nursing pillow from www.nursingpillow.com by using the code COFFEEANDCOOS1 at checkout! The prints are super cute and I consider my nursing pillow a necessity (and so does my husband when he bottle feeds). We actually have one for upstairs and one for downstairs because we use them so much.
Free Baby Sling
I didn’t realize how helpful it was to baby wear until I had my second baby. Suddenly, I was outnumbered, and baby wearing was truly my only saving grace. It kept my hands free to tend to Weston while keeping Elliott safe and sound against my chest. You can get a free baby sling from Seven Baby by using the code COFFEEANDCOOS1 a checkout.

Free Children’s Books
You can constantly add to your child’s library for free by signing up for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Children 0 – 5 get a free book every month and they’re always cute and age appropriate. Weston gets longer, paper books while Elliott gets shorter, baby-friendly, board books.
Free Car Seat Canopy
Car seat canopies are great for rainy weather, letting baby nap, or just plain keeping the germs away. You can get a free car seat canopy from Canopy Couture by using the code COFFEEANDCOOS1 at checkout!
Free Nursing Cover
A lot of moms feel more comfortable nursing their baby in public if they have a nursing cover. You can get a free nursing cover from Udder Covers using the code COFFEEANDCOOS1 at checkout.
Free Enfamil Baby Formula
Get free Enfamil samples and coupons when you join Enfamil family beginnings! It’s easy to join and you get up to $400 in free gifts.
Free Similac Baby Formula
Get free Similiac samples and coupons when you sign up for Simlilac Strong Moms. I love this program because they also give you free nutrition guidance for your pregnancy!
Free Baby Registry Welcome Boxes
Many companies offer a free welcome box when you create a baby registry with them. Some of my favorites include:
Related: Where Should you Register? A Complete List of Registry Benefits
Free Pregnancy Sample Box
Noobie Box offers gift boxes for babies and parents to help you celebrate each milestone. But, if you’re pregnant, you can get the pregnancy sample box for free! The content varies, but you can check out what the current box contains here!
Free Printables
When you’re a pregnant or new mom, helpful printables can be a lifesaver. Here are some of my favorites!
- Baby Registry Checklist
- Birth Plan Template
- Printable Pumping Door Signs
- Top 10 Tips for Breastfeeding Success
Related: Prepare for Baby with the Oh Baby Pregnancy Planner
If you’re pregnant or a new mom, I hope some of these freebies help you cut costs and save for baby. For more pregnancy, newborn, and motherhood tips, be sure to connect with me on Instagram!
12 Baby Freebies for New and Pregnant Moms
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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