3 Must Have Care Kits for New Moms

Must Have Caddies that Make Mom Life Easier
There are some things I see on Pinterest and think “Okay… is this really necessary?” I’d scroll past pins of diaper caddies, breastfeeding carts, and postpartum care kits and didn’t see the point. I figured I had everything I needed and I’d go and grab what I needed when I needed it. Then I had a baby.
When you have a newborn, you quickly learn that your baby always needs something. And when you’re a new mom, you quickly learn that there’s nothing better than convenience. That’s why making these “care kits” and keeping them stocked can be a total game changer. I ended up making some semblance of these care kits after I had Weston, but when I was pregnant with Elliott, I knew for sure I wanted my caddies stocked and ready to go. And it really did make all the difference after he was born.
What to Put in your Newborn Diaper Caddy
The first care kit I put together was a diaper caddy. I kept it by my bedside since Elliott slept in our room for the first few months. Because everything was right there, I never had to leave my bed in the middle of the night. To be honest, I even changed his diapers in our bed. I just used a baby towel as my changing pad, and that was that. Here’s everything I kept in my diaper caddy.
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Baby Towel
- Clean Zip Up Pajamas
- Burp Rag
- Haakaa
- Nursing Pads (These reusable nursing pads are great, too! You can grab 5 free packs using the code COFFEEANDCOOS1 at checkout.)
- Diaper Rash Cream
- Vaseline
- Pacifier
- Hand Sanitizer
- Nasal Aspirator (the little bulb from the hospital is fine, but the Nose Frida is amazing for when baby is super congested)
My actual caddy is from Arabella baby. It’s extremely sturdy, comes with removable handles, has different sections, and tons of pockets on the outside.

What to Pack in your Baby Car Kit
Another easy and helpful care kit to put together is a car caddy. Your diaper bag can only hold so much, and there are just certain things that are helpful to keep in your vehicle “just in case”. Here are some ideas for what to keep in your Baby Car Kit.
- Jacket
- Seasonal Hat
- Change of Clothes
- Extra Socks (don’t ask me why, but kids always need extra socks)
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Sunscreen
- First Aid Kit
- Hand Sanitizer
- Empty Grocery Bags or Dog Waste Bags (in case of a blowout)
- Nursing Cover (you can grab a FREE one here using the code COFFEEANDCOOS1 at checkout!)
- Blanket
- Travel Toys and Books
- Extra Pacifiers
What to Put in your Postpartum Care Kit
When I was pregnant with Elliott, I also decided to make myself a care kit. Unlike my first pregnancy, I actually put some effort into getting prepared for the postpartum phase (because I actually knew what to expect this time around). I wanted to keep everything neat, organized, and easily tucked away in our bathroom. Here are some ideas for your postpartum care kit.
- Pads, pads, and more pads (with plenty of different sizes to chose from)
- Depends (I never wore Depends, but I’ve had a lot of moms reach out a suggest them for those first few weeks postpartum)
- Peri-bottle (you can take the free one from the hospital or get this awesome upgrade)
- Extra Mesh Hospital Underwear and Postpartum Underwear
- Nursing Pads
- Nipple Cream
- Disposable Hot Packs
- Dermoplast or Perineal Spray
- Witch Hazel Pads
- Hemorrhoid Cream
- Stool Softener

Related: The Postpartum Handbook – A 4th Trimester Guide for Moms by Moms
The truth is, sometimes these moms on Pinterest really know what they’re talking about. It doesn’t take long to put these caddies together, or to keep them stocked, but they can save you tons of time and energy. If you’re expecting a little bundle of joy, do yourself a favor and get these caddies ready for your baby’s big arrival.
- 21 Tips for the First 21 Days with Baby
- How to Pack the Perfect Diaper Bag
- 8 Genius Ways to Prepare your Home for Baby
Follow me on Instagram for more newborn and postpartum tips!
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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