January 28, 2018
Brittiney Landis Pregnancy and Birth Story

Brittiney is a work at home mom of 3 who runs an online health and wellness business and is an independent promoter for Pruvit. She enjoys traveling, being involved in her women’s group at church, and reading. You can follow Brittiney and her adorable family on Instagram. For more information about Brittiney’s health and wellness services, join her free Facebook group. Read about how Brittiney struggled with elevated HCG levels and extreme morning sickness before giving birth to baby number 3.
Was your pregnancy planned or a surprise?
A planned surprise, haha!
If planned, how long did you try to conceive?
We talked about and decided on a third baby and BAM two weeks later we saw 2 pink lines.
How did you share the news with your partner, family, and friends?
Took a photo of my oldest two holding a sign announcing the pregnancy and texted it to my husband at work, we told family and friends over a phone call and of course posted a fun announcement on Instagram and Facebook.
Which was your favorite trimester?
With this pregnancy I didn’t enjoy any trimester. It was a long, rough pregnancy.
What was your pregnancy MUST HAVE?
I craved sausage burritos from McDonalds which was awful since I’m a wellness coach haha but it was the only thing that helped with my morning sickness
Did you find out the gender?
Were there any complications throughout your pregnancy?
In the first trimester we had a very rough time, we were facing a possible partial molar pregnancy and I had very elevated HCG levels which caused extreme morning sickness, fatigue, and vomiting up to 12 times a day. The morning sickness did get better and all of our fears turned out to be okay. We had a healthy growing baby by 12 weeks.
Did you go into labor naturally or were you induced?
This was so exciting after being induced with my first two and over due by a week with both. My water broke at 38w and 4 days
How long were you in labor?
About 10 hours after my water broke
Did you get an epidural or go all natural?
Epidural all the way!! 🙂
What was the best and worst part about labor and delivery?
I loved not being induced and the excitement of going into labor at home. I wouldn’t say there was anything bad about L&D. I especially loved how they wait to do the stats now and you get to have your baby right away for skin to skin.
Were there any complications with your delivery?
No it was a great and easy delivery
Give us the stats!!
7:12 AM, 21 inches and 7LbS 15 oZ and Beautiful baby Girl

What was the hardest thing about the first few weeks of motherhood?
I think exhaustion is always the hardest, and with 3 making sure everyone has enough attention.
What is the best advice you received as a new mom?
Stay off google 🙂
What is your best advice for expectant or new moms?
My best advice is to soak it all in, hold, rock and cuddle that baby as much as you want. Enjoy every moment even the rough ones because it goes by so incredibly fast. Also, eat healthy and stay active. It will make for a great L&D as well as help with the baby blues.

DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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Author: amullins