Amy Shurtz – Pregnancy and Birth Story

Amy is 31, has a 5 yr old, 4 yr old, a four month old, and is a foster mom. She is an event coordinator for the Pinners Conference, loves Harry Potter, desserts and tattoos.
Was your pregnancy planned or a surprise?
If planned, how long did you try to conceive?
I was pregnant within a few weeks of getting my IUD out (for all three of my pregnancies).
How did you share the news with your partner, family, and friends?
With my third pregnancy, I was running a marathon at 6 weeks pregnant. I made a sign to hold up at the finish line that said “you know whats hard? running a marathon. you know whats harder? running a marathon pregnant” to show my family and get photos.

Which was your favorite trimester and why?
Definitely third since that was the point I felt the least sick and was close to the finish line.
What was your pregnancy must have?
Mexican food, allll the way! Specifically big fat burritos. I craved more healthy food during this one and less treats and desserts which is unusual for me since I have the worlds biggest sweet tooth.
Did you find out the sex?
Yes, at 16 weeks.
Were there any complications throughout your pregnancy?
I was pregnant with twins and miscarried the twin at 12 weeks. Vanishing twin syndrome.
Did you go into labor naturally or were you induced?
Tell us about your labor experience.
All weekend I was feeling a lot of pressure but no contractions. As the 25th came and went, she became my longest pregnancy to date and I was hoping she would wait until another odd date. No such luck. At 4am on the 26th I woke up to my first period-cramp-like contraction. It happened every seven minutes until about 4:28 am, when I decided to get in the shower. I had already called my mom and R (who was sleeping with the boys) and thought it might be another quick one. As I labored, I relaxed under the hot water, then finished packing, did my make up, said bye to CC, who went to the neighbors, and organized the diaper caddy. It was all very chill as my contractions got closer and closer together. My parents arrived around 5:25 and I wanted to walk to the hospital (it’s only half a mile) but realized I might be too far along. The contractions were hitting fast with very little break time. We checked into the hospital at 5:36 am. I was at 9cm but my water had not broken so they told me I had to wait for my doctor to arrive. This is where it got excruciatingly painful. I do not recommend holding in a baby- I was legit crying and begging everyone around me to break my water. R and I both agreed it was more traumatic than Kyler’s birth because of having to wait. The doctor FINALLY arrived and I climbed into the bed before he could even sit down. He broke my water and said push when you want- she was out in less than a minute. Her official arrival time was 5:54am. No tearing but lots of bleeding so I had to succumb to an IV to help stop it. Sterling was exposed to group b strep but because it was so minimal they decided to just monitor her closely. By 7am, the room was peaceful and I was up walking and peeing.

Did you get an epidural or go all natural?
Medication free.
What was the best and worst part about labor and delivery?
They made me wait for the doctor to arrive. In hindsight, I should have just pushed her out. She was fully crowning when he got there and it was extremely painful. I knew if I could just get her out, I would feel 1 million times better. And the best was that the recovery was so quick – this was my second medication free birth and in both, I did not tear and was able to be active and move around really soon after.
Were there any complications with your delivery?
Give us the stats!
Born at 5:56 am, 7lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long.
What was the hardest thing about the first few weeks of motherhood?
Breastfeeding. I do not enjoy breastfeeding but it comes very easily for me, so I try to do it for each one of my kids, since I can. Lack of sleep is hard too.

What is the best advice you received as a new mom?
Do what works for you, your life and your little one. The best person to parent your kids is you!
What is your best advice for expectant or new moms?
Same as above- there are A LOT of opinions out there about best practice and what you “should” do, but you do you. Do what you need to survive and what you think is best for your baby. Also, “no baby has ever died from crying”. Sometimes its safer for you and baby if you just let them cry it out for a little and you go somewhere you can’t hear them to decompress. Usually it only takes me a few minutes to recompose myself and then I can more effectively help my babies. If I am stressed, they definitely feel that and can model it! But again, YOU DO YOU!
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your journey to motherhood?
It’s a wild ride. Motherhood has brought me my highest highs and lowest lows but in the end, it really does go so quickly. Other things can wait, nurturing and parenting your child will pass all too quickly so as much as you feel you can, cherish it!
You can learn more about Amy, her family, and foster care on her Instagram!
You can read more Pregnancy and Birth Stories here!
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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