Alexandra Mullins – Pregnancy and Birth Story

Hey! I’m finally writing my own pregnancy and birth story in honor of my baby turning one. I am a wife, mom of two boys, and the owner and creator of Coffee and Coos. You can learn more about me, my life, and why I started blogging right here on my welcome page! This is the story of how my sweet little Elliott came to be.
Was your Pregnancy Planned or a Surprise?
My pregnancy was very much planned. We knew we wanted our kids to be pretty close in age and thought two years was a great gap.
If planned, how long did you try to conceive?
We actually got pregnant the very first month we started trying. I don’t even like sharing that because I know so many women struggle and have to try for months and even years. But, this was how it happened for us and I am so grateful. I was a serial tester (don’t do it), and started testing extremely early. After a stark white test at about 10DPO, I told my husband that I wasn’t pregnant. Two days later, something told me to test again and I saw that second line!
How did you share the news with your partner, family, and friends?
I bought Weston a big brother shirt and had him wear it one afternoon before my husband got home from work. Then we dressed him up in that shirt again every time we wanted to tell a new family member. All of our friends have little boys, so I just casually mentioned that we’ll have another little babe to add to the bunch!

Which was your favorite trimester?
I love the second trimester! I’m not sick anymore, but I’m also not so big that I’m miserable. I like having a bump, not hiding my pregnancy, and of course, feeling movement! I honestly don’t mind being pregnant from about 10 weeks – 34 weeks.
What was your pregnancy MUST HAVE?
Trollis (the sour gummy worms), my pregnancy pillow, and I had to have slushies early in my pregnancy during the morning sickness (all day sickness) phase. I once made my husband go to four different places to get a slushie because I kid you not, everyone’s slushie machine was down.
Related: 12 Must Have Pregnancy Items for New Moms
Did you find out the gender?
We actually found out the gender early because I’m impatient and it was driving me crazy wondering what the rest of our life was going to look like. I felt in my gut that it was a boy, but I had to know for sure. Sure enough, he showed us his manhood as soon as he showed up on the scan.

Were there any complications throughout your pregnancy?
Nope. I have been extremely blessed to have two happy and healthy pregnancies. The only concern was that Elliott could be big like Weston, so we had an extra ultrasound near the end, but he looked just fine!
Did you go into labor naturally or were you induced?
I went into labor naturally three days before my due date. This was just 24 hours after being sent home from labor and delivery after I thought my water had broken. Turned out I had just peed myself. Can’t believe I’m sharing this, but it really does happen. It’s hard to control everything when you have a big baby putting pressure on all your parts. During the whole “pee fiasco”, the doctor did a membrane sweep and the next day, I knew for certain it was go time.
How long were you in labor?
I was having contractions all day long, but they started to really pick up when I tried to go to sleep. Around 11PM, I knew it was the real deal, so I told my husband. I wanted to labor at home a bit, but around 2AM, I knew it was time to go. We got to the hospital around 3AM and I didn’t actually get into a room until 5AM where I promptly got my epidural. I took short nap and the nurse checked me around 6:30AM. She said I was at 6 centimeters and rolled me over to my other side. As soon as I rolled over, I felt a huge wave of pressure and the nurse checked me again. I had gone from 6 cm to 10 cm in a matter of minutes. I started pushing around 7AM and Elliott was born at 7:36AM.
Did you get an epidural or go all natural?
Epidural all day every day.
What was the best and worst part about labor and delivery?
The best part of labor and delivery was how quick and easy everything seemed to go. It was my second go around and I was so much more confident and relaxed. I felt very at peace with what I was about to do. The worst part was the car ride to the hospital and the walk up to the labor and delivery floor. I was in tons of pain and just wanted to be there and know I was in good hands.
Were there any complications with your delivery?
Both of my babies had a shoulder dystocia, but Elliott’s was so quick that I didn’t even realize it had happened. My doctor is amazing and I’m so thankful that she knew exactly what to do both times.
Give us the stats!!
Elliott was 8 pounds 12 ounces of pure perfection.

What was the hardest thing about the first few weeks of motherhood?
The hardest thing about the first few weeks of motherhood was trying to juggle a newborn and a toddler. I felt like I was always nursing and I felt so guilty for not being able to give both of my kids 100% of me. It was hard. And it got harder a few weeks later when Elliott had colic. I wouldn’t wish that on my worse enemy. There is no worse feeling in the world than not being able to soothe your baby.

What is the best advice you received as a new mom?
Let people help. They want to help. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. I’m stubborn and didn’t fully listen to this advice, but I did a lot better the second time around. We had lots people people make us dinner, my sister made a grocery trip for me, and my husband picked up the slack around the house and with Weston.
What is your best advice for expectant or new moms?
Honestly, I would tell new moms not to stress the small stuff, and don’t even stress the big stuff because it’s probably not as big as you think it is. Babies are adaptable. They grow and change every single day. As long as you’re doing everything out of love, there’s no wrong way to do it. And have confidence in YOURSELF. Only you know what’s best. Not your mom, or your friend, or that blogger on Instagram. Just you.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your journey to motherhood?
Motherhood is hard. Bringing a second child into our family has truly turned my world upside down to the point where I just now (a year later) feel like I’m coming up for air. There have been plenty of days where I’ve cried, or felt like I needed a break, or just wanted to hide, but there has never been a night where I’ve gone to bed and not been over the moon thankful for my two little boys.

- How to Make Pre-Baby Freezer Meals
- 10 Amazing Pregnancy Hacks for all Three Trimesters
- 21 Birth Affirmations for an Empowered Birth
If you don’t already, you can follow me on Instagram for tips, mom quotes, and updates on my journey through motherhood.
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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