Cute and Affordable Baby Shower Favors

Creating cute baby shower favors doesn’t have to be expensive. There are tons of affordable baby shower favor ideas that are sure to please any guest. From inexpensive and edible baby shower favors, to simple DIY favors, you’re sure to find something that fits perfectly into your celebration. Here are 27 affordable baby shower favors!
Edible Baby Shower Favors
1. Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Chocolate covered pretzels are a budget friendly, DIY baby shower favor that anyone can make! Dip pretzel rods or pretzel twists in chocolate and you have an inexpensive, cute, and delicious baby shower favor. Package your pretzels in these treat bags to make them look extra professional!

2. Cookies
Delicious sugar cookies with a baby shower theme are always a great option when it comes to affordable baby shower favors. Make the cookies yourself or order them locally.

3. Popcorn
There are tons of different options when it comes to making popcorn baby shower favors. Popcorn is a cheap option that your guests will love. You can go with classic buttered popcorn, pink or blue candied popcorn, or even just a cute jar of popcorn kernels for your guests to cook up later.

4.Trail Mix
Trail mix is the perfect budget friendly baby shower favor. This delicious treat will not disappoint. DIY this baby shower favor by buying bulk bags of m&ms, peanuts, almonds, mini marshmallows, raisins, and pecans. Get creative with pink or blue chocolates. You could even create a trail mix bar at your baby shower and let everyone create their own mix.

5. Cake Pops
Cake pops are are all the rage these days. This delicious dessert is the perfect treat to use as your baby shower favor. They’re perfect for taking on the go and so easy to make. I follow this easy cake pop recipe! These affordable favors are sure to please your guests.

5. Chocolate Covered Oreos
Chocolate covered Oreos couldn’t be easier to make and they are soo good. This is a simple baby shower favor that won’t break the bank. Simply dip your Oreos in candy melts (chocolate used for chocolate covered goodies) and lay them on a parchment lined baking sheet. Put them in the fridge for 10 minutes to set. Again, you can use pink or blue candy melts, or add some fun sprinkles. Package them in party bags and you have an affordable baby shower favor that your guests will love.

6. Personalized Hershey Kisses
Did you know you can order personalized Hershey kisses by simply adding a sticker to the bottom? Genius! You can order stickers that say anything you’d like in honor of baby. You can order the stickers on Amazon, get a bunch of Hershey kisses, and voila… you have a cheap and easy baby shower favor.

7. Hot Chocolate in a Jar or Hot Cocoa Bombs
Hot chocolate in a jar or hot cocoa bombs would be an amazing baby shower favor for a winter shower. To make hot chocolate in a jar, all you need to do is get a large container of hot chocolate, a bag of mini marshmallows, and some inexpensive jars. Add a few ounces of hot chocolate and a handful of marshmallows to each jar and you’re done! Hot cocoa bombs are a little more difficult to make, but they are a show stopper! This is a great recipe to follow for DIY hot cocoa bombs.

8. Honey
Small jars of local honey are a cute and creative baby shower favor. It goes great with a bee themed baby shower. These mini glass honey jars with wood dippers and bee pendants are too cute to pass up.

9. Jam
Jam is another thoughtful baby shower gift that can be really easy to DIY. If you or a family member makes their own jam, just package it up in small jars like these and you have a gift that your guests will love.

10. Syrup
Homemade syrup is yet another delicious baby shower favor that everyone will enjoy. If you can get your hands on some homemade maple syrup and package it in these adorable mini syrup bottles, this favor takes the (pan) cake! You can even add a special tag to make these gifts even cuter.

11. Tea
Who doesn’t love a nice hot cup of tea? Make your own affordable baby shower favors with these muslin bags and assorted tea bags. This baby shower favor is budget friendly and fun.

12. Coffee
Make DIY baby shower favors by simply adding coffee beans to these small jars and adding a tag or sticker that says “a baby is brewing”. This is a great baby shower favor that doesn’t cost much and is easy to put together!

13. Mints
Mints are such a simple baby shower favor. They might be one of the most affordable options for your budget friendly baby shower. You can do individually wrapped buttermints or tins of mints.

14. Mini Champagne or Wine Bottles
Just because the mom-to-be can’t have a drink, doesn’t mean your guests can’t take one home! One baby shower favor that is becoming more and more popular is mini bottles of wine or champagne. The idea is that your guest will take it home and drink it when the baby is born to celebrate. Add a cute tag saying something like “Pop it When She Pops” for an extra special touch!

15. Tumbler
Tumblers are a great favor for any party. They’re inexpensive and easy to add your own flare to. You can fill them with candy or pink or blue shredded paper filler.

Pampering and Self Care Baby Shower Favors
16. Nail Polish
Nail polish is a fun self care gift for you baby shower guests. This can be an affordable baby shower favor by buying your polish in bulk from Amazon. This set costs just a little over $1 per polish.

17. Lip Balm
Lip balm is a useful baby shower favor that everyone will love. You can never have enough lip balm. This is a fun favor to use for fruit themed baby showers like lemon or watermelon! You can grab this watermelon lip balm for less than $1 a tube.
18. Candles
You can never go wrong with candles as a baby shower favor. While they aren’t the cheapest option, you can still get 24 personalized candles for under $40 from this website, making them still pretty affordable!

19. Bath Salts
Making DIY bath salt baby shower favors is easy! All you need to do is buy a large package of bath salts and some small jars. Pour some bath salts in each jar and add a cute tag if you want to personalize it! Bath salts are an affordable self care baby shower favor that your guests will love.

20. Bath Bomb
Just like bath salts, bath bombs are also a great option when it comes to baby shower favors. You can order them online and package them up individually in treat bags.

21. Hand Sanitizer
We officially live in a world where there can never be enough hand sanitizer. This can also be an affordable baby shower favor option at just over $2 a piece! You can also buy mini hand sanitizer bottles in bulk and add personalized stickers.

22. Soap
Little bars of soap are a creative and affordable baby shower favor that your guests will be sure to enjoy. These little bars are just over $1 a piece.
23. Hair Ties
If you’re looking for a unique and affordable baby shower favor, hair ties are a great idea. These favors come in neutral, boy themed, or girl themed and are just over $1 each!

DIY Baby Shower Favors
24. Succulents
Succulents are so pretty and a creative baby shower favor that everyone will love. You can buy large quantities of succulents from Amazon and add a tag to make them extra special. This bunch of succulents costs just over $1 per favor.

25. Herbs
Potted herbs make a great baby shower gift that will keep on giving. Shop around at your local hardware store or nurseries for herbs like basil, parsley, mint, and thyme. Add a cute tag to each herb and you’ve got a favor that your guests will absolutely love.

26. Seed Packet
If you’re throwing a baby shower, send your guests home with a packet of seeds that they can grow at home. They can be wildflowers, sunflowers, or even veggies. You will be shocked at all the adorable options, many of which cost less than $1 per favor.
27. Measuring Spoons
Measuring spoons are a unique baby shower favor that your guests can use time and time again. These sweet heart shaped measuring spoons are just over $1 per favor.
If you’re planning a baby shower, I hope you were able to get some inspiration from this list of affordable baby shower favors! I think this list truly has budget friendly ideas for any baby shower celebration.
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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