7 Must Have Products for Baby Number Two

Today marks the halfway point in my second pregnancy and I have to say the weeks are flying by. I’m trying to stay organized this time around and get all my ducks in a row before I get too far along. (I’ve been using the Oh Baby Pregnancy Planner to stay organized and it is a game changer). When I was pregnant with Weston, I didn’t exactly know what I was doing and waited until the very end to cross off most of the major items on my pre-baby to do list. I learned my lesson the hard way and vowed that I would have everything done for this baby before the 30 week mark.
This week, I’m focusing on what products we need. Although I’m not having a baby shower, people have been generously asking us what we need for baby. The good news is, I’ve had a short running list on my phone for the last year or so of things I wish I would have had when Weston was a baby. As a second time mama, here are 7 things I wish I’d had the first time around.
7 Must Have Products for Baby Number Two
I heard so many good things about the DockATot when Weston was a baby, but as a first time mom, I figured I had enough “stuff” and never actually took the plunge to purchase one. I regret it. Now that little brother is on the way, there’s already a brand new DockATot waiting in the nursery upstairs. My biggest reason for wanting one is how multi-functional it is. It’s portable, easy to travel with, and was designed to resemble the womb (so babe feels nice and comfy). But, my number one reason for wanting one was for the option to co-sleep. As a breastfeeding mom, the idea of co-sleeping seemed so magical when Weston was a baby. However, I was absolutely terrified of something terrible happening and followed the safe sleep guidelines to a “T” (meaning Weston was absolutely not getting in bed with us and I would sit up nursing all night long). When I saw that the DockATot could be used to safely co-sleep, I was sold. I cannot wait to break it out of its beautiful box and see if it lives up to the rave reviews.
Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock
Weston was born just a month before Christmas. My first solo outing with him was a Christmas shopping spree to Target. I wasn’t in the store for five minutes before I realized that I had nowhere to put my endless slew of gifts. The car seat was taking up the entire grocery cart. That weekend, I was spending time with my girlfriends when I said “there needs to be a little baby lounger that lies across the cart so you can put your groceries under it.” I thought I had come up with a life changing invention when one of my friends informed me that it already exists! The Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock safely clips on to the sides of your cart so that baby relax comfortably without taking up every square inch of your cart. Now that I’ll have Weston in the front of the cart and baby in the back, I knew I had to have this genius product. It, too, is already tucked away in the nursery until my first shopping trip as a mother of two.
Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump
I breastfed Weston for over a year, all of which I was blessed/cursed with an oversupply (if you’ve ever experienced an oversupply, you’ll understand why I refer to it as both a blessing and a curse). Every time I nursed, milk would leak (and spray… let’s be honest) from my other breast. I would completely soak a nursing pad, or have to put pressure on my boob with a burp cloth to avoid sitting in a puddle of warm milk. Two months after Weston weaned, I discovered the haakaa silicone breast pump in a mom’s group on Facebook. While it’s called a pump, it’s really more of a milk collector. You simply squeeze the bottom of the pump and let go as you attach it to your breast. It creates a slow sucking sensation and allows you to collect your milk. I plan to use it while I’m nursing to collect all that milk that used to end up in a nursing pad (I hated throwing away a full nursing pad knowing it was full of precious liquid gold).
Baby Bum Diaper Cream Brush
The fact that I don’t have one of these yet is embarrassing. I’ve been talking about them for over a year and I still have a child that wears diapers and occasionally needs diaper cream. I guess a new baby is the perfect excuse to do myself the favor and buy one already. Diaper cream is nothing but a mess. This handy little tool lets you apply it your baby’s bum without getting it all over you and your baby. It also has a little suction cup on the bottom so you can stand it straight up in the middle of a diaper change. Genius.
Nighty Night Nursing Light
So many of my must have products for baby number two revolve around breastfeeding. Probably because it was my greatest learning experience the first time around. I feel so much more prepared to breastfeed this baby and plan to utilize every tool I can to make nursing as easy as possible. The nighty night nursing light is yet another product for those late night feedings. You clip it to your nursing bra so that you have enough light to get baby latched on and comfortable without waking your significant other (lucky duck). It also has a timer you can set so that it vibrates at the end of a feeding. I can’t tell you how many times I accidentally dozed off with Weston attached to my breast when he was a brand new baby. If you’re strict on safe sleep guidelines, having the safety net of a vibrating timer to wake you up will give you so much peace of mind.
Washable Changing Pad Liners
While I have no intention of using these on my actual changing pad, they’re still on my list of must have products for baby number two. These washable changing pad liners can be used in car seats and strollers to protect them from the dreaded diaper blowout. I will never forget the epic diaper blowouts that happened while Weston was strapped in his car seat. Even after we’d cleaned him up and changed his clothes, we’d have to put him back in a poorly cleaned up car seat (a baby wipe can only do so much on the fabric of an infant carrier). Then we’d get home, have to rip the car seat apart, wash all the pieces, and put it back together. Those things are a pain in the butt. I’m hoping that having these changing pad liners tucked in under the baby will protect the car seat from all the poo damage. I’d much rather wash a simple liner than take apart an entire car seat.
Although I promised myself I was going to wish away this pregnancy, I can’t hardly wait to meet this little boy. Tackling my to do list little by little and gathering all the things we need for his arrival is helping me stay sane and while also getting me so excitement. For some reason, once you start doing things around the house and making purchases, it all starts to feel a little more real. I hope this list gives you some ideas on how to simplify mom life with amazing baby products that some moms don’t even know exist! If you want to see my list of things we already have (everything that we actually used in baby’s first year), you can read it here!
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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