12 Clever Toddler Hacks that Make Mom Life Easier

Toddlers are crazy. There… I said it. When Weston was a baby, I thought I had things figured out pretty well. Then he started walking, started talking, and entered toddlerhood. My sweet little baby turned into a little boy who was on a mission to make me laugh and cry on a daily basis. We’ve been stumbling through toddler life for about a year and half and I’m not ashamed to say I’m still not good at it. But, I have discovered a few toddler hacks that make life just a little bit easier (like a very little bit).
Here are 12 clever toddler hacks that make mom life easier.
Make a Cheerio Necklace
Entertain your toddler for a whole two minutes with a cheerio necklace! Have your kiddo help you make the necklace and then let them enjoy. In my opinion, this toddler hack is perfect for the kid that always has to have a snack at the store. Having a string of Cheerios around their neck makes it so that they can’t drop their snack all over the floor. It also distracts them so that you can get a little shopping done.
Use a Coffee Filter for Number Twos
If you’re using a training potty, stick a coffee filter in it when your child has to poo. It’s the easiest way to dispose of the mess and keeps the potty clean. Bonus Tip: Stick a puppy pee pee pad under the potty for those times that not everything makes it into the toilet.

Keep a Training Potty in the Car
I saw this toddler hack on Facebook and thought it was ridiculous. Then I started potty training. Keep a toddler potty in your car for those times when you can’t quite make it to the bathroom. If you’re at the park, on a road trip, or just can’t make it to the nearest gas station, just pull over and let them do their business. It’s a whole lot easier than taking apart the car seat and washing it after an accident.
Use your Old Pregnancy Pillow as a Bed Bumper
The week we put Weston in his big boy bed, he fell off the bed twice (even though we had one of these rails on the side). He kept sleeping at the bottom of the bed and rolling off. I couldn’t find a rail that fit that side of the bed, so I took my pregnancy pillow and shoved it under the fitted sheet. It makes the perfect bumper and he hasn’t fallen out since. In fact, he usually curls up in the pregnancy pillow to sleep rather than at the top of the bed.
Invest in a Car Seat Poncho
We all know that we’re not supposed to put our kids in their car seats with a winter coat on for safety reasons, but it’s a major pain to put the coat on, take them to the car, take it off, get to our destination, and put it back on again (especially if you have more than one kid). The car seat poncho is the perfect solution. It keeps your kid nice and warm while still allowing you to buckle them in safely. Weston loves his and we always get compliments on it when we’re out and about. I even have a second one ready to go for Elliott next winter.
Try Toy Rotation
Last December, I was 8 months pregnant, nesting like a crazy person, and had a house full of new birthday and Christmas toys. There wasn’t room for everything and I was quickly going insane. That’s when I remembered that my sister had told me about toy rotation. She learned the trick from her son’s preschool and it’s a toddler hack that every mom needs in her life. Group your toys and put them in bins that are easy to move. Each day, pull out a different bin and let your toddler play with their “new” toys. Of course they’re not actually new, but switching up their toys keeps them interested in everything. I’ve also found that it helps me keep all the pieces to everything. Another thing I did was hold some toys back after his birthday and Christmas. Weston is only two, so he never realized anything was missing, so I took a few of his new toys (there were so many) and put them in storage. When he gets cabin fever or I’m in need of solid distraction, I pull out a new toy. (I’m not gonna lie, I’ve already pulled out all the new toys and it’s only been four months).
Try the Okay to Wake Sound Machine and Night Light
Moving your toddler to a big kid bed is a game changer. They now have a freedom they’ve never experienced before. They have the ability to leave their bed and come wake you up at 5AM. The okay to wake is a sound machine and night light that also lets your toddler know when it’s okay to get up for the day. You can set a “time to rise” that will light the machine up a certain color and let your kiddo know that it’s okay to leave their bed. No more getting up at 4 in the morning and thinking its time for breakfast.
Attach Shoes so They Don’t get Lost
Why does it seem like the days that you’re running late are the days you can’t find your toddler’s other shoe? You’re frantically looking under furniture, in the toy box, and checking the fridge because you have a toddler and nothing surprises you. From now on, tie or Velcro your kid’s shoes together when you take them off. (Then you can lose them both instead of just one of them).

Serve your Child’s Lunch in a Muffin Pan
I don’t know what it is about a muffin pan (or other fun container… I use an Ohio State ice cube tray) that makes your child want to eat, but it works! If you have a picky kid that doesn’t eat much, give this toddler hack a try!

Make a Busy Box for On the Go
Create a busy box and leave it in your car or diaper bag. It can be used for longer car rides, in restaurants, or any place where there’s not a whole lot to keep your toddler entertained. You can fill it with crayons, paper, stickers, small toys, mini books, and more. Trust me, when you’re getting an oil change or visiting grandpa in the hospital, you’ll be thankful for this toddler hack.
Avoid Bath Time Meltdowns with this Shower Cap
Credit for this toddler hack goes to my sister (again)! She couldn’t bathe her son without it turning into a war every time she was ready to rinse his hair. He’s always been sensitive about his ears, so when she saw this shower cap, she bought it and hoped for the best. A year later, she can’t give her kiddo a bath without it. The cap fits so that you can rinse their hair without getting water in their ears and eyes. If you have a little one that hates getting their hair rinsed, this thing is only $2.99 on Amazon!

Try the Gyro Bowl or Snack Catcher
What is it with toddler’s and snacks? They won’t eat a decent meal for days, but always seem to be hungry for fruit snacks and crackers. If you’re tired of picking up goldfish off the floor, try the gyro bowl or snack catcher. Both of these gadgets are perfect for younger toddlers who love to spill things and older toddlers who… love to spill things. They’re also great for public places so that you’re not leaving a trail of toddler treats behind you.

Toddler life is tough (that’s why I don’t write many posts on toddlers… I haven’t figured them out yet). Hopefully one or two of these hacks will solve a problem and simplify your life just a touch.
For more mom life hacks, follow me on Instagram!
DISCLOSURE: Coffee and Coos is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
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